Advanced Contract Negotiation Skills & Techniques for Project Managers
Advanced Contract Negotiation Skills & Techniques for Project Managers
- Develop an integrated contract negotiations plan
- Skillfully negotiate your next contract
- Understand and apply the various styles of negotiation
- Identify all issues to be negotiated and embed them in the contract
- Manage and mitigate risks associated with the project contracts
- Understand the influence of personality profiles on the outcomes of the negotiation process
- Produce clear and comprehensive project contracts
This course is designed for project managers, contract managers, procurement specialists, suppliers, and other professionals who have the responsibility for negotiating and managing project contracts in both owner and contracting companies.
Introduction to Contract Negotiations
- The Ability to Influence
- Dealing with Conflict
- Good Communication
Primary Negotiation Styles
- Competitive Style
- Accommodating Style
- Avoiding Style
- Collaborative Style
- Compromising Style
Relationship Awareness Theory
- Primary Motivational Patterns
- Secondary Motivational Patterns
- Relationship between Motivational Patterns and Negotiation
- Deployment Strategies
- Negotiating with various Personality Types
Power and Negotiation
- Eight Bases of Power to Influence
- Positional Power and its Application
- Personal Power and its Application
- Understanding Power Games during Negotiation
Stages of Negotiation
- Rapport Stage
- Exploratory Stage
- Negotiation Stage
- Closing Stage
Preparation for Negotiation
- Identifying Issues/interests
- Primary and Secondary Issues
- Financial/Commercial/Cost Issues
- Price, Payment, Delivery Issues
- Schedule Issues
- Technical Issues
- Safety Issues
- Three Positions for Negotiation
- BATNA (Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement)
- Influencing and Making Concessions
- Strategy and Tactics
- Preparation – A Systematic Process
- The Negotiation Plan
Contract Negotiation
- Legal Issues
- What is a Contract?
- Contract Types
- Contract Formation
- Terms of a Contract
- Seller and Buyer Obligations
- Content of a Contract
- Layout of a Contract
- Contract Requirements
- Contracting and Risk Management
- Compensation Arrangements
- Fixed Price Contracts
- Incentive Contracts
- Cost Plus Contracts
Conditions of Contract
- General Conditions
- Special Conditions
- Acceptance and Rejection
- Contract Performance
- Claims and Disputes