Eurotech Training Consultancy Recruitment Fadi Jawad

Advanced Financial Planning & Budgeting

Advanced Financial Planning & Budgeting

Advanced Financial Planning & Budgeting



  • Understand the cutting edge methods used to optimize the results of the financial planning and budgeting process
  • Create the best budget for maximum performance
  • Gain confidence in using advanced models to improve the accuracy of your financial forecasts, plans and budgets
  • Understand what companies should be looking for when buying or building a new budgeting solution
  • Confidently select the right budgeting solution from the wide range of choices
  • Successfully implement a new budgeting solution
  • Create and evaluate reports that give the needed information
  • Understand Risk Assessment and management in the process and what to do about it


  • Chief Financial Officers who want to use the most advanced budgeting tools
  • Account Personnel and Business Consultants
  • Accountants responsible for budget preparation and management reporting
  • Treasurers who need to go beyond the traditional budgeting tools
  • Controllers who want to go beyond budgeting limitations
  • Any senior who wants to improve the accuracy of their financial plans and budget


Day 1 – Introduction to Financial Planning and Growth

  • What is Financial Planning?
  • Overall approach to advanced financial planning
  • Financial Planning Models: A First Look
  • The Percentage of Sales Approach
  • Calculating External Financing Needed (EFN)
  • Determining Growth rates o Internal Growth Rate (IGR) o Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR)
  • Some Caveats Regarding Financial Planning Models
  • Meeting global shareholder and stakeholder objectives
  • Role of Key Performance Indicators
  • Performance measures – leading and lagging
  • KPIs – leading and lagging

Segment Reporting, Profit Analysis and Decentralization

  • Differentiate between cost centers, profit centers, and investment centers, and explain how performance is measured in each
  • Prepare a segmented income statement using the contribution format, and explain the difference between traceable fixed costs and common fixed costs
  • Compute the return on investment (ROI)
  • Show how changes in sales, expenses, and assets affect an organization’s ROI
  • Compute residual income and understand the strengths and weaknesses of this method of measuring performance
  • Understanding core processes, activities, and competences for financial planning
  • Identifying customer perspectives in financial planning
  • Identifying internal perspectives in financial planning
  • Identifying learning and innovation perspectives in financial planning
  • Assessing leading indicators in each perspective in financial planning
  • Building cause and effect connections for financial planning (sensitivity)

Day 2 – Assumptions Creating Problems and Internal Organization Reports

  • Variance reports and what is important
  • Comparing forecasts to actual results
  • Timeliness of the evaluation
  • Implementing, communicating, and cascading variance analysis
  • Checking for alignment to the strategy using variance analysis
  • Checking for alignment of the operational drivers using variance analysis
  • Variance Analysis applied: does the line of sight work?
  • What personal objectives enter the variance analysis process?
  • Auditing the Variance Analysis process
  • Information systems/technology as support tools for Variance Analysis

Risk Analysis in Financial Planning

  • Scenarios analysis uses and limitations – demonstrated
  • Sensitivity analysis uses and limitations – demonstrated
  • Simulation analysis uses and limitations – demonstrated
  • Measuring the un-measurable = quantifying the qualitative
  • Defining metrics that work in your organization including WACC allocations to business units
  • Avoiding easy metrics that do not support the strategy
  • Changing metrics when their cause and effect link is not valid
  • Allocating resources to support strategic intent
  • Recognizing that the financial planning is a communications system for organizational change

Day 3 – Risk Management: An Introduction to Financial Engineering

  • Hedging and Price Volatility
  • Managing Financial Risk
  • Hedging with Forward Contracts
  • Hedging with Futures Contracts
  • Hedging with Swap Contracts
  • Hedging with Options Contracts
  • Management reporting of risks
  • Finding approaches to present ambiguous information in an informed way

Introduction to Budgeting

  • Budgeting Today: Overview and Trends
  • Budgeting Processes and Approaches
  • Budgeting Methods
  • Popular Budgeting Reports and Ratios
  • What typically goes wrong with budgets
  • The real differences between budgets, forecasts, and estimates
  • Improving the accuracy of your budgets

Day – 4 Budgeting Software: Technology Trends and Functionality

  • Technology Trends
  • Functionality Offered by Modern Budgeting Software
  • What Will Future Budgeting Software Offer?
  • Budgeting Software Buyer’s Guide
  • Software Evaluation Template: Factors to Consider
  • The New Alternative of Outsourcing
  • Systems Implementation: Project Planning
  • Detailed Implementation

Tools & Models

  • Spreadsheets as tools
  • Using Excel as a Budgeting Tool
  • What is a “Model”
  • How to build budget models
  • Working through model development
  • What are the current models used and why?
  • Examples of Web-based models available

Day 5 – Flexible versus Fixed Budgets

  • Flexible budgeting and overhead analysis
  • The advantages of the flexible budget approach over the static budget approach
  • Prepare a performance report for both variable and fixed overhead costs using the flexible budget approach
  • Use the flexible budget to prepare a variable overhead performance report containing only a spending variance
  • Use the flexible budget to prepare a variable overhead performance report containing both a spending and an efficiency variance
  • Explain the significance of the denominator activity figure in determining the standard cost of a unity of product
  • Apply overhead cost to units of product in a standard cost system
  • Compute and interpret the fixed overhead budget and volume variances

Capital Budgeting: The real test

  • The practice of capital budgeting
  • Pro forma financial statements
  • Determining incremental cash flows
  • Evaluation of cash flow estimates
  • Working capital changes and its impact
  • Net Present Value (NPV)
  • Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
  • Modified Internal Rate of Return (MIRR)
  • Profitability Index (PI)

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