Advanced Negotiation Skills
Advanced Negotiation Skills
- Appreciate, through discussions and questionnaires, the relevance of generally accepted negotiating principles to their environment.
- Explore the latest strategic approach to negotiation.
- Identify, through several self-assessment tests, their preferred negotiating style and how it affects the negotiating outcome.
- Identify their own approach to resolving conflict, building trust and respectable business ethics.
All those experienced in business, managerial and other kinds of negotiations, who wish to further develop their skills. The program is particularly suitable for those who have attended the “Win-Win Negotiation Skills” program.
Different Styles of Negotiating
- DiSC – Self Assessment Questionnaire: Administration and Scoring
- Your Style and How It Fits with That of the Other Party
- Negotiation Style Profile
- Role-play with Observers’ Comments Using DiSC Profile
Issues in a Negotiation Currently Under Way
Generally Accepted Principles
- Questionnaire
- Discussion in Teams
- Five Steps of Breakthrough Negotiation
Conflict Resolution Style
- Self-Assessment and Discussion
Planning Strategy
- Using the Planning Worksheet
- Using the 7 Planning Criteria
- Ranking and Discussing the 10 Behaviors in Negotiation
3 -D Negotiation
Ethics in Negotiation
- The Moffett Picture Case
- Ethical Model
- Values Involved
13 Negotiation Mistakes
- Film
- Practical Tips on Avoiding the Mistakes
Planning and Conducting Team Negotiations with Feedback