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Banking and Credit Analysis

Banking and Credit Analysis



  •  Use ratio analysis as part of the mean of establishing a company’s credit worthiness.
  •  Be able to construct cash flows and make forecasts.
  •  Understand the relationship between company valuation and credit analysis.
  •  Have a better understanding of credit grading techniques and issues.
  • Be able to hold constructive and useful meetings with customers regarding credit issues.


Credit Managers, Credit Analysts, Risk Managers, General Managers, Finance Directors, Financial Controllers, Treasury Managers, Treasurers, Finance Managers, Accounts Managers, Treasury Analyst, Financial and Management Accountants, Auditors, Financial Analysts, Accounts Supervisors and Accounts Superintendents.


Overview of Credit Analysis

  • Stages in credit risk
  • Importance of credit analysis in credit risk
  • Principles of credit analysis
  • Seven C’s of credit analysis
  • Steps in credit analysis process




Lending Process

  • Various steps involved in loan appraisal
  • Components of a bank’s lending policy
  • Loan Documentation
  • Loan Pricing and Profitability Analysis
  • Regulations related to lending


Financial Statement Analysis-1

  • Various types of ratios including liquidity ratios, turnover ratios, profitability ratios, leverage ratios and market ratios
  • Importance of these ratios
  • Comparative analysis
  • It also has a calculator for calculating various ratios from a Balance Sheet and P & L Account


Non-Financial Analysis

  • Economy, Industry and Company (EIC) framework
  • Models for non financial analysis
  • Case studies for analysis


Asset Classification and Loan Loss Provisioning

  • Need for asset quality assessment
  • Quantitative and Qualitative Review of asset quality
  • Categories of asset classification
  • Special mention assets
  • Loan classification practices in various countries


Borrowing Causes and Sources of Repayment

  • Need for asset quality assessment
  • Quantitative and Qualitative Review of asset quality
  • Categories of asset classification
  • Special mention assets
  • Loan classification practices in various countries
Problem Loans

  • Non-performing loans (NPLs)
  • Methods of resolving NPLs
  • How to prevent NPLs
Consumer Installment Lending

  • Types and characteristics of consumer installment lending
  • Various types of Installment loans
  • Dealer Agreement, Recourse and Dealer Reserve
  • Common risks faced in consumer installment lending
Floor Plan Lending

  • Characteristics of Floor Plan Lending
  • Methods of Floor Plan Lending
  • Risks Associated with Floor Plan Lending
 Participation Loan

  • The Concept of Loan participation
  • Need for Loan participation
  • Process of Loan participation
  • Risks faced in Loan participation
 Letter of Credit and Loan Commitments

  • Concept of Letter of Credit (LC)
  • Types of Letter of Credit
  • Risks faced in Letter of Credit
  • Loan commitments, Un-funded lines of credit and their characteristics
  • Potential credit risk in loan commitments and un-funded lines of credit


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