Eurotech Training Consultancy Recruitment Fadi Jawad

Budgeting & Cost Control for Oil & Gas Industry

Budgeting & Cost Control for Oil & Gas Industry

Budgeting & Cost Control for Oil & Gas Industry



  • Understand the reasons and impact for oil price volatility
  • Recommend strategic solutions to budget issues and cost control
  • Measure and control costs effectively in a competitive environment
  • Prepare, manage and control budgets in the Oil & Gas Industry
  • Use budgets to make effective decisions to ensure growth, maintain profitability and reduce risk
  • Recommend innovative hedging strategies used by leading international companies to control risk and manage budgets effectively


  • Those responsible for devising budgets, managing and controlling budgets
  • Those responsible for making or acting on decisions based on budgets  Professionals who require a more in-depth understanding of integrated planning and budgeting techniques
  • Financial Planners and Cost Analysts
  • Line heads with direct planning and budgeting responsibility


Day1 –

  • The Case for Budgeting & Cost Control in the Oil & Gas Industry
  • Oil Price Volatility – The Causes & Impact
  • Major Costs of Acquisition, Exploration, Production, & Development
  • Cost Oil & Profit Oil
  • The Cost Curve of the Oil Market
  • Controlling Gross Margins & Net Margins
  • Managing National Fiscal Budgets

Day2 –

  • Finding Strategic Solutions to Cost Control
  • Re-assessing the Strategic Plan in the light of recent developments
  • The need for Growth whilst managing costs
  • Managing Working Capital & Cash Flow
  • Evaluating & Managing Capital Projects
  • Joint ventures; Merger & Acquisition as a solution and growth opportunity
  • Finance solutions to growing costs and oil price volatility

Day3 –

  • Measuring & Controlling Costs
  • Cost Classification & Cost Behavior
  • Job Process Costing; Batch Costing & Activity Based Costing
  • Statistical Estimates of Costs
  • Controlling Fixed & Variable Costs
  • Earned Value Management
  • Variance Analysis

Day4 –

  • Budgeting in the Oil & Gas Industry
  • The Benefits & Limitations of Budgeting
  • The Essential Features & Types of Budgets
  • Preparing Forecasts & Budgets in a volatile Oil & Gas industry
  • Using Budgets as a Management Tool
  • Sensitivity; What-if & Break-Even;  Analysis
  • Managing & Controlling Budgets

Day5 –

  • Hedging Costs to Manage the Budget
  • Defining Hedging and Identifying Costs/Risks to Hedge
  • Determining the Hedging Strategy
  • Hedging Oil Price Volatility
  • Hedging Exchange Rate Risk
  • Hedging Interest Rate Risk
  • Controlling the Hedge to avoid Speculation

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