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Budgeting, Costing and Decision Making

Budgeting, Costing and Decision Making

Budgeting, Costing and Decision Making



  • Understand the importance of a well-defined budget process
  • Learn costing and budgeting terminology used in business
  • Master techniques for cost-benefit analysis
  • Learn how to construct profit, cash and balance sheet plans and budgets
  • Learn how to evaluate variances from plan and identify corrective actions
  • Understand discounted cash flow (DCF) techniques and their application to financial decision making
  • Use and build EXCEL spreadsheets for financial analysis, from basic models through to Monte Carlo simulation


  • Financial personnel who need to evaluate plans for approval and variance reports for corrective action and those who need to improve their skills in constructing and controlling a budget
  • Anyone from non-financial discipline, needing to evaluate proposed business expenditure decisions and who need to know more about the budgeting process, plan, cost and budget during their business careers


DAY 1 – The need for Financial Control in business

  • Understanding accounting
  • Management accounting versus financial accounting
  • Cost behaviours in Cost-Volume-Profit scenarios
  • Breakeven and targeted net income scenarios
  • Business cases with master budgets
  • Benefit-cost analysis

DAY 2 – Capital Costs and Investment Appraisal

  • Estimating cash flows within the business system
  • Understanding Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
  • Defining the approval criteria and review process
  • Post-implementation audits of capital projects
  • Sensitivity analysis and uncertainty
  • Monte Carlo simulation techniques in budgeting

DAY 3 – Cost Volume Profit Analysis

  • Identifying relevant costs in complex decisions
  • Complex applications of C-V-P analysis
  • Multiple products and services C-V-P
  • Evaluating C-V-P before and after implementation
  • Special sales orders and/or segment analysis
  • Make or buy decisions

DAY 4 – Full Costing, Marginal Costing and Activity Based Costing

  • Comparing full and marginal costing
  • Direct and indirect costs in budgeting for decision making
  • Role of costs in pricing strategies
  • Overhead allocation methods and difficulties
  • Variance analysis of materials, labour, & overhead in manufacturing and services
  • Activity Based Costing (ABC) in manufacturing and services

DAY 5 – Budget Construction and Control

  • Budgeting as a communication process
  • Nature and purpose of budgets for planning and control
  • Budgetary control and variance analysis
  • Responsibility centres: cost, profit and investment
  • Segment reporting internally and externally

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