Eurotech Training Consultancy Recruitment Fadi Jawad

Business Financial & Accounting Skills

Business Financial & Accounting Skills

Business Financial & Accounting Skills



  • Need for risk assessment in estimating
  • Estimation techniques: regression, Delphi , moving averages
  • Pareto’s rule
  • Data collection
  • Financial concepts (e.g., capital budgeting, sunk costs)
  • Analyzing cost data
  • Benefit-cost analysis


  • Financial professionals, finance controllers treasurers and inventory professionals
  • Senior professionals with a direct responsibility for financial management and control
  • Accountants, planners, & cost professionals
  • Any professional who has responsibility for any portion of the planning process
  • Any professional, at a medium and senior level, who is a part of the financial decision making team
  • New interns and trainees with finance related responsibilities



Introduction – Finance versus Accounting

  • Identify the major differences and similarities between financial and managerial accounting
  • Understand the role of management accountants in an organization
  • Understand the basic concepts underlying just-in-time (JIT), total quality management (TQM), process reengineering, and the theory of constraints (TOC)
  • Discuss the impact of international competition on businesses and on managerial accounting
  • Explain the importance of upholding ethical standards


Long-term planning

  • What is a budget
  • Budgeting basics
  • Various types of budgets
  • The budgeting process
  • Budget preparation
  • Identify the characteristics of well-designed management accounting and control systems (MACS)
  • Describe total-life-cycle costing
  • Understand target costing
  • Understand Kaizen costing


Costing basics

  • What is costing
  • Defining costs
  • Cost behavior
  • Breakeven models
  • The Equation Method
  • Target Net Profit Analysis
  • Costing models
  • Incorrect assumptions
  • Activity Based Costing


Control for success – Performance measurement

  • Strategic planning measures
  • Accounting-based performance measures
  • Company versus division performance
  • Financial performance measures
  • Problems with financial measures
  • Value of financial performance measures
  • Indicators for managers
  • Balanced scorecard
  • Not-for-profit organizations


Bringing it all together

  • Discuss the design and use of responsibility centers in an organization
  • Understand the issues and basic tools related to assessing the performance of a responsibility center
  • Recognize common forms of responsibility centers
  • Understand two commonly-used planning and control methods used to evaluate responsibility center performance
  • Discuss transfer pricing alternatives in organizations
  • Understand the use of return on investment and economic value added as financial control tools
  • Identify the limitations of using financial controls

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