Certified Administration and Office Management Professional
By the end of the program, participants will be able to:
- Define and understand the role of the office manager / administrator.
- Acquire time management skills required for better office productivity.
- Handle telephone calls properly and professionally.
- List the main causes of stress and the techniques needed to control them.
- Learn communication strategies needed for carrying out responsibilities in an effective manner.
- Develop a service attitude and mindset aimed at the internal and external customer
Administrators, assistant administrators, executive secretaries, existing or prospective office managers/senior administrators and supervisors of junior level employees.
The Role of the Office Manager/ Administrator
- Perception Versus Reality
- Competencies Required for Success
Effective Communication Skills
- Improving Credibility and Gaining Recognition
- Speaking and Listening
- Being Assertive
- Selling Your Ideas to the Boss, Colleagues, Subordinates and Clients
Written Communication
- Style
- Layout
- Clear Writing
- Proof Reading
Controlling Stress
- Symptoms
- Causes
- Solutions
Serving the Internal and External Customer
- Understanding the Needs of Internal and External Customers
- Having the Right Attitude
- Providing Excellent Service
- Handling Complaints
Organizing Meetings
- Preparing the Agenda
- Taking Minutes
Managing Time
- Identifying and Eliminating Time Wasters
- Setting Goals and Priorities
- Planning and Managing Self and Others’ Time
Using the Telephone Properly
- Professional Telephone Behavior
- Rules for Good Listening
- Making Appointments