Eurotech Training Consultancy Recruitment Fadi Jawad

Cost Analysis & Performance Measurement

Cost Analysis & Performance Measurement

Cost Analysis & Performance Measurement



  • Enhance cost awareness
  • Describe specific cost analysis and performance measurement techniques
  • Select the costing measurement system that works
  • Select the systems of performance measurement that works
  • Discuss real case studies
  • From cost to strategy to performance measurement
  • Broadening the management accounting knowledge
  • Enhance cost awareness
  • Enhance the ability to select the right costing measurement system
  • Enhance the ability to link cost to strategy to performance measurement


  • Professionals with direct financial responsibilities and those who would benefit from news ideas and methods
  • Employees from every business discipline and department who have to run departments and plan and who are responsible for cost and strategic analysis
  • Middle to senior personnel from all sectors of industry and employees on fast-track development programmes, along with other employees working in a project management environment


DAY 1 – Refining Cost Accounting Systems

  • Review of key Cost Concepts
  • Under-costing and Over-costing problems
  • Cost drivers and Activity-based costing
  • Advantages/disadvantages of ABC
  • Activity-based management
  • Problems and Examples
  • Case study illustration

DAY 2 – From Cost Accounting to Management Control

  • Day 1 recap & key learning points
  • Decentralized organizations
  • Cost/Profit/Investment centers
  • Transfer-pricing issues
  • Linkages with performance evaluation
  • Problems and Examples
  • Case study illustration

DAY 3 – Performance Measurement

  • Day 2 recap & key learning points
  • Measuring performance
  • Quantitative vs. Qualitative indicators
  • Return On Investment
  • Economic Value Added
  • Problems and Examples
  • Case study illustration

DAY 4 – Linking Strategy to action

  • The Balanced Scorecard
  • Day 3 recap & key learning points
  • Introducing the Balanced Scorecard
  • Linking Strategy to Performance Measurement and to Action
  • Financial perspective
  • Customer perspective
  • Internal Business Process perspective
  • Learning and growth perspective
  • Case study illustration (petroleum company)

DAY 5 – The transformative power of the Balanced Scorecard

  • Day 4 recap & key learning points
  • Shortcomings of traditional approaches to measurement
  • An integrated management model
  • The role of measurement
  • Using the Balanced Scorecard to drive culture change
  • Driving continuous improvement
  • Developing and adapting scorecard
  • Case Studies illustration

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