Eurotech Training Consultancy Recruitment Fadi Jawad

Creating Value through Financial Management

Creating Value through Financial Management

Creating Value through Financial Management



  • Acquire an Understanding of the Fundamentals of the Successful Management of Corporate Value
  • Develop Practical Experience of the workings of a Best Practice Financial Performance Management Model and of How to Improve Corporate Value in Real-Life
  • Raise Financial Skills towards the global best practices orientation
  • Improve critical analysis of financial reports and business commentary
  • Create personal learning plan for value creation in personal and professional environments


  • Experienced management and staff who wish to gain an up-to-date and broader perspective on how industry leaders continually improve their value performance, learn about current best practices, and improve their competencies in this area
  • Recent company recruits who need to learn about modern corporate value/ financial performance management processes, and develop their competencies in this area
  • People from outside business who require a thorough conceptual and practical introduction to the value/performance management processes and techniques adopted by the leading players


Day 1


  • Seminar Objectives and Overview
  • Financial Skills: Importance, Framework and Seminar Focus
  • Corporate Framework and Objectives

The Financial Framework and Language

  • The Value Model
  • The Cost of Capital
  • Time Value of Money/DCF Basics
  • DCF Exercises A Performance Management Model
  • Accounting Basics and Key Measures
  • Accounting Exercises
  • The 3 Key Financial Statements
  • Benchmarking of Financial Performance

Day 2

Managing Operating Performance For Value

  • Financial Control Fundamentals
  • Budgets and Plans
  • Ratios and KPIs
  • Ratio Exercises
  • Benchmarking of Operational Performance
  • Internal Benchmarking

Day 3

Managing Capital For Value

  • What is Capital Investment
  • Standard Evaluation Methodology
  • Defining the Right Base Case
  • DCF Mini Case Studies
  • Risk Management
  • Sensitivity Analysis
  • The Drivers of Value

Day 4

Managing Working Capital For Value

  • Gross Working Capital Concept
  • The Cash Conversion Cycle
  • Key Issues and KPIs
  • The Cost of Working Capital
  • Long term
  • Short term
  • Practical Examples

Day 5

Specialist Financial Skills

  • The Range of Specialist Financial Skills
  • Valuing Companies/Acquisitions + Divestments
  • Financial Engineering Techniques

Final Session

  • Engaging the Organisation
  • Seminar Summary/Checklists

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