Facilitation Skills: Managing Group Dynamics
Facilitation Skills: Managing Group Dynamics
- Identify and explain the process and value of facilitation.
- Examine the core concepts and competencies required to understand the dynamics of group process and facilitation.
- Recognize groups dynamics and balance between task and maintenance functions.
- Apply facilitation tools and techniques in a variety of situations.
- Ultimately improve their role as facilitators.
Team leaders, supervisors and managers who want to improve the effectiveness of their teams and group process. Trainers who want to enhance participation among adult learners, as well as other professionals who wish to improve their skills in managing group dynamics in a variety of situations.
- The What’s and Why’s of Facilitation
- How Facilitating Differs form Training and Presenting
- Desirable Facilitating Behaviors and Competencies
- Factors Affecting Facilitation
- Effective Facilitation : Managing Structure Not Content
Understanding and Using Quality Communication
- Characteristics of Effective Facilitators
- Active Listening:
- Identifying Your Preferred Listening Style: The Personal Listening Profile
- Encouraging Participation and Asking Questions
- Using the Special Functions of Facilitation
Understanding Group Dynamics
- The Different Types of Dynamics : From Group Development to Decision-Making Processes
- Setting Groups Norms and Ground Rules
Facilitation Tools and Exercises
- Tools for Generating Ideas: Brainstorming, Storyboarding, Cause and Effect Diagram, Force Field Analysis, Focus Groups
- Tools for Narrowing and Selecting Ideas
- Multivoting and The Nominal Group Technique
- Tools for Evaluating Alternatives and Getting to Agreement
- Plus and Minus Technique
- Priority Analysis
- Consensus and Team Building Activities
Facilitation Problems
- Handling Difficult Team Members
- Resolving Group Conflict
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