Eurotech Training Consultancy Recruitment Fadi Jawad

Financial Statements, Preparation & Analysis

Financial Statements, Preparation & Analysis

Financial Statements, Preparation & Analysis



  • Be able to Prepare Financial Statements
    • Income Statement
    • Balance Sheet
    • Accompanying notes
    • Cash Flow Statement
    • Cash Budgets
  • Gain a basic understanding of the major IFRS and their impact
  • Develop an understanding of the role and responsibilities of financial analysis and management as part of the Strategic Planning Process
  • Be able to identify the key success factors/critical factors in their industry/division
    Evaluate case studies using Excel® and the very latest techniques/methods of Financial Analysis focusing on profitability and cash flow
  • Understand the limitations of Financial Analysis
  • Be able to:
    • Assess past performance
    • Identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
    • Improve Decision Making relating to future:
      • Divisional/Individual Performance
      • Capital Expenditure
      • Investment Opportunities
    • Implement and Evaluation Performance measures
    • Aid the Strategic Planning Process
  • Evaluate future market/competitive trends using:
    • SWOT Analysis
    • LE PESTE & Co Analysis
    • Porter’s Analysis
  • Be able to value businesses and evaluate/analyze business valuations based on:
    • Asset valuations
    • Earnings valuations
    • Market valuations


  • Those directly responsible for the preparation of financial statements
  • Managers and those with accounting and financial responsibilities
  • Financial decision makers, whose techniques of decision making and analysis will be improved through attendance
  • Professionals acting upon the financial decisions of others, who will gain an appreciation for decision making thereby ensuring shared values within the organization
  • Analysts whose role involves evaluating and identifying market and competitive trends


DAY 1 – Preparing Income Statements and Balance Sheets together with accompanying notes

  • Preparing Financial Statements:
    • the Profit & Loss Account (Income Statement);
    • the Balance Sheet
    • accompanying notes
  • Key Elements – Defined and Explained
    • Profit
    • Revenue & Capital Expenditure
    • Assets – Fixed & Current
    • Liabilities – Current & Long-term
    • Reserves – Capital & Revenue
    • Working Capital
    • Net Worth
  • An introduction to IFRS, International Financial Reporting Standards
  • Annual Reports & Accounts
  • Book Value versus Market Value

DAY 2 – Preparing Cash Flow Statements and Cash Budgets

  • Profit and Cash – what is the difference?
  • The Cash Flow Cycle
  • Working Capital – Analysis and Management
  • Cash Flow Statements
    • Preparations
    • Roles
    • Interpretation
  • Cash Budgets
    • Preparation
    • Role
    • Interpretation
  • The Analysis of Financial Statements

DAY 3 – The Role and Methods of Financial Analysis

  • Financial Analysis as part of the Strategic Planning Process
  • The Role & Responsibilities of Financial Analysis and Management
    • Identifying key success factors in your industry sector
    • Financial review compared to targets and expectations and Variance Analysis
    • Financial performance measurement systems
  • Methods of Financial Analysis
    • Common Size Statements
    • Trend Analysis
    • Ratio Analysis
    • Du-Pont Analysis
    • Z scores
    • Investment Ratios
    • Cash flow Analysis
    • Peer Group/Industry comparison
    • Sensitivity & Scenario Analysis
  • Establishing the need for both Financial and Non-Financial Analysis
  • Non-Financial Analysis
    • SWOT Analysis
    • LE PESTE & Co Analysis
    • Porter’s Analysis
  • Techniques/Models Combining Financial and Non-Financial Analysis

DAY 4 – Analyzing and Evaluating Financial Performance

  • The Analysis and Evaluation of various Case Studies using Excel® in order to:
    • Assess past performance
    • Identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
    • Improve Decision Making relating to Future
      • Divisional/Individual Performance
      • Capital Expenditure
      • Investment Opportunities
    • Implement and Evaluate Performance Measures
    • Aid the Strategic Planning Process

DAY 5 – Valuation and Business Performance

  • Definitions of Value
  • Methods of Business Valuation
    • Asset Based
    • Earnings Based
    • Market
  • Value to the Investor
  • Managing for Shareholder Value
  • Creating Value in Restructuring and Combinations
  • Business Valuation for Merger & Acquisition
  • Business Restructuring and Reorganizations

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