GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) Applications in Transportation Systems Engineering & Planning
- Define GIS
- Use GIS to identify, explore, understand, and solve spatial problems
- Demonstrate GIS modeling skills
- Demonstrate critical thinking skills in solving geospatial problems.
- Design and implement a GIS project
- Demonstrate competency with the ArcMap software to enhance and interpret data
- Use queries in GIS Analysis
- Formulate applications of GIS technology.
- Introducing GIS
- What is GIS
- What GIS can do
- Types of GIS projects
- Remote sensing, GPS, SDSS
- ArcGIS
- Exploring ArcGIS
- Spatial Data
- Metadata
- ArcCatalog
- ArcToolbox
- Working with ArcMap
- Map documents
- Windows and Menus
- Help system
- Data frames
- Layers
- Symbols and styles
- Map scales and labeling
- Coordinate Systems and Map Projections
- Map projections and GIS
- Coordinate Systems
- Spheroids and datums
- Common projection systems
- Projecting data
- Drawing and Symbolizing Features
- Types of maps
- Classifying numeric data
- Using map layers
- Editing symbols and using styles
- Displaying rasters
- Working with Tables
- Tables
- Joining tables
- Statistics
- Summarizing tables
- Editing and calculating tables
- Queries
- What are queries?
- Selecting
- Using queries in GIS analysis
- Spatial Joins
- Spatial join
- Types of joins
- Setting up a spatial join
- Map Overlay
- Map overlay
- Other spatial analysis functions
- Coordinate systems and map units
- Presenting Data
- Maps and Reports in ArcGIS
- Working with map elements
- Layout toolbar
- Working with map scales
- Setting up scale bars
- Geocoding
- Introduction to geocoding
- Geocoding styles
- Geocoding process
- Setting up the address locater
- Reference data
- x-y coordinates
- Basic Editing in ArcMap
- Editing overview
- The Editor Toolbar
- Snapping features
- Creating adjacent polygons
- Editing features
- Editing attributes
- Saving work
- Advanced Editing
- Using sketch tools
- Changing existing features
- Combining features
- Buffering features
- Topology and shared features
- Working with Geodatabases
- About geodatabases
- Creating geodatabases
- Creating feature datasets
- Using default values
- Setting up domains
- Split and merge
- Subtypes