IT Audit For IT Managers
IT Audit For IT Managers
At the conclusion of this course, you should be able to:
- Identify the mission of internal audit and the audit model as they relate to the audit manager role.
- Identify the internal control environment and risk in the control environment.
- Compare the roles and responsibilities of the board of directors and the audit committee, and executive management and management-level committees.
- Identify the audit engagement responsibilities of an audit manager.
- Identify audit manager responsibilities for audit planning, including defining the audit plan, setting the audit budget, resources, and schedule, project management tools, and reviewing the risk assessment, risk matrix, and internal controls.
- Identify audit manager responsibilities for audit fieldwork, including effective monitoring and feedback, and root cause analysis.
- Identify audit manager responsibilities as they relate to audit reports and audit wrap up.
- Identify the QAIP Framework and the formal quality assurance standards that the internal audit function is required to follow.
- Identify key concepts necessary to supervising and developing staff.
- Identify leadership skills necessary for audit managers
- Identify strategies necessary for managing change effectively.
- Identify strategies necessary for managing relationships and marketing the internal audit function from an audit manager perspective.
- Identify innovative problem solving techniques.
Audit Manager
Overview of the Audit Model
- Mission of internal audit
- The audit model
Overview of the Internal Control Environment
- Control terms
- COSO Framework
- SOX overview
- Risk in the control environment
- Enterprise risk management
Audit Governance, Roles & Responsibilities
- Governance
- Audit governance roles and responsibilities
- Qualifications of audit team members (by level)
- Mission statement, vision statement, and audit charter
- Audit manager responsibilities during the engagement
- Independence and reporting relationships
The Audit Cycle – Audit Planning
- Defining the audit plan
- Applicable Standards
- Setting the audit budget, resources, and schedule
- Project management tools
- Reviewing the risk assessment, risk matrix, and internal controls
The Audit Cycle – Audit Fieldwork
- Work papers and work paper attributes
- Applicable Standards
- Standardized work papers
- Audit review steps
- Effective monitoring and feedback
- Root cause analysis
- Strategy for presenting audit finding
The Audit Cycle – Audit Report & Wrap Up
- Preparing and reviewing the audit report
- The exit conference
- Reviewing and closing out the audit project
- Feedback from audit customers
- Common audit survey questions
Quality Assurance & Improvement Program
- What is a QAIP?
- Applicable Standards
- The QAIP Framework
- Five characteristics of a successful QAIP
- Reporting the results of a QAIP
- Balanced scorecards
Supervising and Developing Staff
- The hierarchy of needs
- Motivation and the outcome of human interaction
- Manipulators vs. motivators
- Managing conflict
- Changing behavior
- Effective monitoring and feedback
- Performance reviews
- Mentoring to provide guidance
Leadership Skills
- Becoming a leader and a manager
- Leadership skills for managers
- Managing vs. leading
- Characteristics of an effective leader
- Challenges of a leadership role
- What type of leader are you?
- Leadership identification tools
Managing Change
- The Change Model
- The effects of change
- The TACTFUL Approach
- Dealing with change
- Communicating change to the client
- Communicating results and criteria
- Communicating change – Additional concepts
Managing Relationships and Marketing Internal Auditing
- Internal auditing’s role in an organization
- Typical internal audit functions
- Internal audit and external auditors
- Internal auditing and outsourcing, co-sourcing, and partnering
- Promoting the internal audit function
- Communicating with the audit committee
Innovative Problem Solving
- Defining innovative problem solving
- Innovative thinking
- The innovation process
- Steps in the innovation process
- Creative problem solving