Managing a World – Class IT Department
Managing a World – Class IT Department
- Obtain world-class tools and techniques for efficiently managing your IT department
- Acquire budgeting, forecasting and scheduling skills
- Successfully deliver projects on time and within budget
- Overcome obstacles to success-within the department and across the organization
- Increase your ability to lead, manage and motivate your IT team
- Communicate effectively with senior IT managers, department managers and end users
New or prospective IT managers with zero to three years of experience-including those who manage IS/IT operations, networks/systems, help desks, projects and databases.
The Value of IT
- What your company expects of IT
- IT’s value to your organization
Using Influence Strategies
- Selling IT to the rest of the company
- Using influence without authority
- Making the position powerful
The Job of the IT Manager: Leading, Managing, Doing
- Managing daily operations
- Developing and implementing the IT strategic plan and budget
- Using the IT mission as a driver
- Defining the IT customer profile
Strategic Decision Making
- Typical strategic decisions: what, when, why (lease/buy, outsourcing/contractors/in house, deploying methodologies and technology)
Managing Quality
- Defining quality… quality assurance… quality control… quality improvement
- Applying ISO, MBNQA, Six Sigma, certifications
Building the IT Management Team
- Defining, and hiring for, talent
- Motivating, delegation and performance evaluation
- Developing the staff
Measuring IT Performance: Deploying Metrics
Technology Management
- Managing networks, mainframes, inventory and licenses
- Developing new technology
- Managing the assets: security, disaster recovery
Managing Change: Proactive vs. Reactive Management
Avoiding the IT Pitfalls
- Balancing technical and managerial needs…tactical and strategic decisions
- Current and future challenges