Managing Conflict: Power through Influence
Managing Conflict: Power through Influence
- Define and understand the sources of conflict.
- Learn the different strategies used in resolving conflict.
- Identify their own personal conflict resolution style.
- Understand the different bases of power and how to change them.
- Apply influence and explore their relationships with others.
Managers, supervisors and professionals who wish to improve their conflict resolution styles and those who wish to influence others even when authority is lacking
Definitions of Conflict
- Misconceptions about Conflict
- Sources of Conflict
- Positive and Negative Factors of Conflict
Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument
- Scoring and Interpretations
- Ways of Coping with Conflict
- Assumptions and Outcome of Conflict
Importance of Team Work
- Dealing with Dysfunctional Team Roles
- Managing Conflict in Teams and Employee Training
Types of Conflict
- Substantive and Personalized Conflicts of Interest
Cooperative Communication and Non Verbal Behavior
- The 4 Ways of Approaching People
- Listening Assessment
Influencing Others in a Problem Solving Context
- Working Effectively with Team Members
- Managing Your Emotions, Information and Problems
- Tips For Effective Day to Day Conflicts
- Resolving Conflict before It Gets Out of Hand
- Managing Conflicts with Superiors and Subordinates
Influence Inventory Power Bases
- Definitions of Influence and the Bases of Power
- Changing the Bases of Power
- Power and Persuasive Skills
- Difficult Types of People and Relationship Building
- Behavior Modification
- Influencing Tactics