Negotiation and Conflict Management in Organizations
Negotiation and Conflict Management in Organizations
- Understand the importance of negotiating in today’s business climate
- Identify the sources of conflict in the professional environment
- Explore how to handle conflict situations
- Gain self-awareness of their own style in approaching conflict
- Practice and develop key skills in handling conflict
- Learn how to achieve win:win results
- Recognize their current negotiating skills
- Expand their range of negotiating skills
- Be able to use a three-step planning guide to analyze and prepare for a negotiation
- Choose an appropriate negotiating approach based on the desired result
- Recognize negotiation tactics, how to use them and how to respond to them
All Professionals and Team Members who rely on others to achieve results, especially if they need to get things from people over whom they have little or no authority.
Negotiation and Conflict Management in Organizations
- Identifying difficult situations where negotiation is a preferred strategy
- The sources of conflict in organizations
- How and why does conflict escalate?
- Personal style and preference in approaching conflict
- Handling conflict effectively
Influencing and Negotiating
- Assessing personal strengths in influencing and negotiation skills
- The four styles of effective communication
- Developing style flexibility
- The core skills of questioning and listening
- Exploring the use of different styles in different situations
Planning and Preparing for an Effective Negotiation
- The four possible outcomes and results of a negotiation
- The OPEC model for managing the process of a negotiation
- Personal strengths in managing process and communication style
- Using a three step planning guide
- Negotiating from value not cost
- Wants and needs – the importance of identifying need
Negotiating for Win:Win
- Strategic and tactical negotiation approaches
- Identifying power balance and building up your power base
- Deciding your opening position
- Exploring options for successful exchanges
- Using negotiating tactics effectively
- Putting together a deal
Negotiating in Difficult Situations
- International and cross cultural negotiations
- Negotiating by telephone
- Working in negotiation teams
- Building resistance and dealing with tactics and ‘tricks’
- Applying learning to a range of organization situations