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Oil & Gas Accounting & Performance Measurement

Oil & Gas Accounting & Performance Measurement

Oil & Gas Accounting & Performance Measurement



  • the meaning and significance of financial reporting policies and practices adopted by E&P companies
  • how to provide relevant financial information on E&P activities that meets the needs of users and complies with financial reporting standards
  • how to develop and use key performance indicators (KPIs) to continuously improve performance within their organization
  • how to compare the business performance of companies in the E&P industry


This program is designed specifically for all who work with financial information and measures of performance for Oil & Gas Accountant.


Accounting for Exploration and Evaluation

The E&P Industry and Financial Reporting

  • Oil and gas reserves
  • Joint ventures and production sharing contracts
  • Regulation of E&P financial reporting

Pre-development costs

  • License, geological and geophysical costs
  • Exploration and evaluation drilling costs
  • Successful efforts and full cost methods
  • Cash-generating units

Accounting for Development and Production

Development Costs

  • Development drilling costs
  • Facilities costs
  • Borrowing costs

Production Costs

  • Operating costs
  • Royalties
  • Cost of sales

Depreciation of Capitalized Costs

  • Unit-of-production method
  • Matching costs with reserves
  • Changes in costs and reserves
  • Other methods used by E&P companies

Impairment of Assets

  • Indications of impairment
  • Estimating value in use
  • Accounting for impairment

Advanced Issues in E&P Accounting

Sales Revenues

  • Revenue recognition
  • Long-term gas contracts
  • Entitlements and lifting's
  • Shared pipelines

Commitments, Contingent Liabilities and Provisions

  • Recognition and reporting
  • Disclosure requirements
  • E&P examples

Removal and Restoration

  • Costs requiring provision
  • Measuring the amount of provision
  • Accounting for removal and restoration costs
  • Funding of removal and restoration costs

Mergers, Acquisitions and Disposals

  • Company mergers and acquisitions
  • Acquisitions and disposals of oil and gas interests

Risk and Cost Sharing; Performance Management

Risk and Cost Sharing Arrangements

  • Joint ventures
  • Production sharing contracts
  • Farm outs
  • Carried interests

Performance Management

  • The balanced scorecard
  • Performance contracts
  • Critical success factors
  • Continuous improvement

Key Indicators of Financial Performance

  • Return on capital employed
  • Total shareholder return
  • Potential for share price appreciation
  • Ability to reinvest
  • Oil price and profitability
  • Net income per barrel produced

Key Indicators of Capital Expenditure

  • Capital expenditure trends
  • Capital investment ratios

Key Indicators of E&P Performance

Pre-production Performance Indicators

  • Properties held for exploration
  • Exploration and development activities
  • Drilling time, depth and cost
  • Exploration success rates
  • Finding and development costs

Reserve Quantities and Measures

  • Reserve quantity disclosures
  • Effects of clauses in PSCs
  • Reserve replacement and growth

Production Performance Indicators

  • Production rates and costs
  • Rate and growth of production
  • Production costs per barrel
  • Cost effects of rates of production
  • Maintenance activity and costs
  • Comparing assets and installations

Support Activities

  • Measures of support activity performance
  • Examples in Finance, Human Resources and Information Systems
  • Support cost ratios

Health, Safety and Environment

  • Monitoring HSE performance
  • Accidents and incidents
  • Flaring, spills, releases to air and water
  • Community development
  • Sustainability reporting
  • Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative

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