Powerful Retail Selling
Powerful Retail Selling
By the end of the program, participants will be able to:
- Develop the necessary competence and attitude to maximize sales and create long-term customer loyalty.
- Understand customer behavior in a retail environment.
- Use practical selling skills to guide their customers through a defined customer decision process.
- Ensure a positive shopping experience.
All retail sales staff, plus team leaders and supervisors accountable for sales
What Customers Really Want
- Uncovering Your Customers Hierarchy of Needs
- Understanding the Customer Decision Making Process
Helping Browsers Becoming Buyers
- The Three Fold Process
- First Impressions
- Verbal and Non Verbal Responses in Sales
- Probing and Opening
- Supporting Customers Needs
- Closing
- Handling Customer Indifference and Attitudes
- Handling Objections
Sales Strategies
- Fatal Errors
- An Excellent Sales Approach
- The Seven Secrets of Selling
- Sales Strategies that Fail
- The Importance of Words
Retail Phone Communication
The Before and After Customer Service
True Relationship Selling