Eurotech Training Consultancy Recruitment Fadi Jawad

Progressive Strategies for Talent Management

Progressive Strategies for Talent Management

Progressive Strategies for Talent Management



You’ll learn how leading authorities are evolving the talent management discipline, and be given the opportunity to develop practical implementation plans for your own organization. You’ll come away with a sharper understanding of the links between talent management, positive psychology and performance. You’ll be able to share new creative ideas on talent management with other senior practitioners and managers, and define the immediate and medium-term benefits of maximizing the use of talent.


This course is recommended for those responsible, or involved in, the talent management strategy in any organization. As the title suggests, this is a progressive programme that deals with purposeful talent management strategy and culture change.


  • Current thinking on talent management; the nature of talent, competence, skills, talent and strength, how talent management is currently defined, the limitations of current thinking
  • Progressive thinking on talent management; radical approaches by progressive organizations, playing to strengths and positive psychology
  • Eight steps to designing a progressive talent management strategy; philosophy and leadership for talent
  • The future of talent management

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