Quality Assurance and Quality Control using ISO 9001:2015
Quality Assurance and Quality Control using ISO 9001:2015
By the end of the program, participants will be able to:
- Be familiar with the requirements of the new ISO 9001:2015
- Understand methods for improving the interaction in business processes
- Analyse quality controls for adequacy and suitability
- Review techniques for process analysis, monitoring and measurement
- Practice auditing techniques
- Consider differing approaches to improvement of the organization
- Those responsible for achieving quality objectives
- Those with assigned roles in maintaining a quality management system
- Those with responsibility for making the transition to the new ISO 9001:2015
- Those interested in business improvement
- Those designated as quality management systems auditors
Day 1 : A Process Approach to Managing Quality
- An introduction to quality management systems
- The new ISO high level structure for management systems standards and links with the framework for the new ISO 9001:2015
- The process approach
- The organisation as a set of inter-related processes
- Risk and opportunities in your quality management system
Day 2 : Designing and Implementing ISO 9001:2015
- The PDCA approach
- Risk based thinking
- The organisation and context
- Needs and expectation of interested parties
- The significance of effective leadership in a quality management system
- The role and responsibilities of leaders in the new ISO 9001:2015
Day 3 : Planning and Operating ISO 9001:2015
- Establishing policies
- Planning for a quality management system
- Addressing risk and opportunity within a quality management system
- Supporting your system – resources and competence
- Operations, planning and control
Day 4 : Performance Monitoring, Quality Assurance and Analysis
- Measurement and monitoring of processes
- Measurement and monitoring of products
- Measurement and monitoring the satisfaction of interested parties
- Analysis and reporting of data
- Continual improvement of the system
- Continual improvement of the organisation
Day 5 : Internal Audit as a Management Tool
- Management and planning of an internal audit
- Auditing in practice
- Opening meetings
- Collecting data
- Feedback on the audit
- Audit reporting