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Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Implementation, Integration & Management

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Implementation, Integration & Management

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Implementation, Integration & Management


Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) is an analytical process used to determine an optimum maintenance program using knowledge of failure characteristics and operating experience of physical assets. RCM provides recommendations for preventive maintenance tasks, design changes, and equipment and process improvements. RCM can be used to determine whether implementing new technology, such as predictive maintenance (PdM), or updating installed hardware is necessary or cost effective. Originally conceived in the 1960’s to develop preventive maintenance programs for commercial aircraft, the RCM process has been refined and applied in virtually every industry over the past four decades.

Benefits of RCM

  • Improved operating safety
  • Hazard risk reduction
  • Reduced maintenance and operating costs
  • Reduced asset downtime
  • Increased asset availability
  • Increased equipment life
  • Continuous improvement of the maintenance program
  • Documentation trail for maintenance decisions
  • ROI within weeks or months

RCM Analysis

For customers that do not have the staff or desire to in-source analysis, ASI can provide experienced analysts to perform RCM. Our analysts have experience in a wide range of industries and are experts at working with your subject matter experts to ensure the analysis captures relevant internal experience.

  • RCM Integration

Integration of RCM with other initiatives and Systems including CBM+, logistics data systems, and maintenance management systems can substantially increase the benefit of RCM. We support integration efforts with CMMS such as setting up equipment hierarchies and failure coding structures to providing effective data for the RCM process. We perform maintenance task analysis for requirements generated by RCM and software interfaces for data flow between logistics, maintenance systems and RCM. We integrate automated data collection systems to provide near real-time failure and maintenance data to the RCM analysis.

  • Software Development and Integration

ASI can develop custom software applications to support your specific analysis needs. We are experienced in developing web-based and desktop applications and integrating RCM programs with other applications such as CMMS and LSA systems.

  • Consulting, Mentoring, and Facilitation

Rely on our highly experienced experts to help you set up an internal RCM program and provide mentoring until your personnel are ready to perform on their own. Where a facilitated group analysis approach is required, ASI can provide experienced facilitators for the entire analysis or, for a limited time, help develop and train your staff.

  • Maintenance Program Development and Implementation

ASI can assist with using the results of RCM efforts to develop efficient maintenance programs. We have worked extensively with NAVAIR’s Integrated Maintenance Concept (IMC) and Event Based Maintenance (EBM) concept.

  • Training

Our training options include regularly scheduled classes and on-site courses. On-site courses can be tailored for a specific industry or program.


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