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Setting and Controlling Budgets

Setting and Controlling Budgets

Setting and Controlling Budgets



  • Plan and forecast at a business level.
  • Distinguish between different cost systems.
  • Develop an understanding of the corporate budgeting process.
  • Read, understand and interpret master budgets.
  • Prepare and monitor business performance and Identify cost savings.
  • Appreciate the importance of reducing unnecessary costs and working towards increased corporate efficiency.
  • Understand costs behavior more accurately
  • Identify & manage key financial indicators for the business
  • Be able to interpret the financial impact of strategic directions
  • Understand the problems of overheads allocation and how Activity Based Analysis may aid decision-making and pricing strategies
  • Understand capital budgeting
  • Be able to perform and interpret variance analysis


  • Financial Planning and Control Staff involved in the performance of a business unit, division or an organization as whole
  • Professionals with direct or indirect financial responsibilities
  • Personnel who manage departments with budgetary plans, and who are responsible for cost and strategic analysis
  • Professionals from all sectors of industry, but particularly those involved in manufacturing, production, engineering or sales
  • Professionals who would benefit from having an opportunity to consider new ideas and methods in budgeting



Strategic planning for Setting Budgets

  • Understanding what strategic planning is and why it is important
  • Clarify the difference between vision, mission statement, goals and objectives
  • The outside environment: the need to understand the economic cycle
  • SWOT and PESTEL analysis
  • Tying the strategic plan to the budget

Financial Planning – Elements of Costing and Cost Strategies

  • The nature and behavior of costs, fixed, variable, semi-variable, direct and indirect costs
  • Standard and actual costing – the difference
  • Understanding overheads
  • Calculating the variances at a detailed level to give real meaning to them
  • Activity base costing ABC
  • Full cost pricing and managerial costing


Forecasting & Preparing the Business Estimates

  • The purpose of forecasts for the business
  • The limiting factors
  • How to predict sale revenues – different approaches
  • Percentage of sales forecasting
  • Using the three financial statements for forecasting
  • Break-even analysis

Forecasting methods

  • The most useful forecasting techniques
    • Quantitative approaches
    • Qualitative approaches
  • Forecasting methods demonstrated


Budgeting – The Corporate Budgeting Process

  • Understanding the benefit of budgeting to an organization
  • Budgets’ forms and purposes; the master budget
  • The different types of budgets – fixed, flexible, zero based, & ABB
  • Preparing, coordinating and monitoring a budget
  • Should we budget for customer satisfaction?

Presenting a Business Budget

  • Giving clear information
  • Presenting the main variables
  • Negotiating agreement
  • Putting it clearly onto paper
  • The budgets and performance measurement as tools for communications
  • Budgets and issues of motivation


Tracking Expenditure for Performance

  • Reconciling actual with budgeted expenditure
  • Critical variances
    • Material: Price vs. Quantity
    • Mix vs. Yield
    • Labour: Rate vs. Efficiency
  • Identifying cost saving opportunities
  • Looking for volume discounts
  • Phasing expenditure to help cash flow

Capital Budgeting

  • Capital budgeting overview
  • Net Present Value
  • Internal Rate of Return
  • Modified Internal Rate of return
  • Profitability Index

Capital Budgeting case study


Controlling the budget variances

  • Interpreting the variance analysis report
  • What is critical & what is not
  • Creating accountability
  • Action planning – the essential next steps

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