Value Engineering
Value Engineering
Today’s battle is focused on the value proposition, the implementation of creative ideas. The only way to ensure real growth is to differentiate with innovative products, services and processes. Creativity and innovation have become mission-critical business skills for coping with a world of accelerating change. The battle is challengers vs. market leaders; disruptive technologies vs. developed products; the power of market share vs. the power of imagination and processes. This course can help you achieve your objectives with proven value management processes that tackle the very factors that control your profitability, enabling you to:
- Develop new products that are truly innovative and meet cost targets
- Create and implement innovative strategies that allow you to leapfrog the competition
- Strengthen existing designs and reduce costs
- Utilize a multidisciplined, focused high-performance team approach
- Build a stronger, more competitive organization through innovation
- Apply function-oriented thinking to any project
- Conduct creativity sessions
- Create FAST diagrams
- Develop ideas and concepts into detailed proposals complete with business case data and implementation action plans
- Select project and team members
- Explain the value concept and reasons for unnecessary cost
Whatever the risks inherent in creativity, they’re minimal compared to the risks of stagnation. It is useless to talk about creativity and then retain processes that deaden the imagination and spirit. This course can help you to achieve these objectives with proven value management processes that tackle the very factors that control your profitability, enabling you to:
- Develop new products that are truly innovative and meet cost targets.
- Create and implement innovative strategies that allow you to leapfrog the competition.
- Strengthen existing designs and reduce costs.
- Utilize a multi-disciplined focused high performance team approach.
- Build a stronger, more competitive organization through innovation.
Specific material covered in this course includes:
- Value engineering history
- Value methodology theory
- Job plan
- Cost models
- Function analysis phase
- Creative phase
- Evaluation phase
- Development phase
- Presentation phase
- Post study
- People skills
- Workshop project