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The Complete Course in Payroll Management

The Complete Course in Payroll Management

The Complete Course in Payroll Management




  • Head of Payroll Section
  • Chief Accountant
  • Accounting Officers
  • Computerized Payroll
  • Internal & External Auditor


Calculating paid annual leave entitlement in a variety of special circumstances

  • Statutory entitlement
  • Pro-rating for new starters and leavers
  • Dealing with part timers
  • Entitlement whilst on statutory leave or sick
  • Carrying forward untaken holiday

Pensions and the links with National Insurance

  • The different types of pensions
    • Final salary
    • Money purchase
    • Stakeholder
    • Personal
    • Group personal
  • The relevant NI letters
  • Concept of contracting-out
  • How rebates are dealt with

PAYE Settlement Agreements

  • What are they?
  • The restrictions applied
  • How to arrange one
  • How to calculate the tax and NI liability


  • What are they?
  • What items are appropriate for a dispensation
  • How to apply for one
  • How to maintain one

Benefits in Kind and the National Insurance implications

  • How to define a benefit in kind
  • Is there a class 1 or 1A NI liability
  • The relevance of corporate credit cards to the discussion

Benefits during maternity leave

  • The new rules
  • Benefits during ordinary and additional maternity leave
  • Cash or non-cash benefits
  • Why are pensions treated differently?
  • The impact of salary sacrifice

Salary Sacrifice

  • What makes a salary sacrifice acceptable?
  • The contractual change
  • Effect or not on overtime, pensionable pay, salary reviews
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Benefits & pitfalls of salary sacrifice
  • Salary sacrifice and statutory leave
  • Different types of schemes
    • Childcare
    • Pensions
    • Cycles

Statutory Sick Pay

  • The basics of SSP in an hour
  • Periods of incapacity for work
  • Qualifying days
  • Waiting days
  • Linking
  • No entitlement and the new SSP

Parental Leave and Time Off for Dependents

  • Service requirements
  • Entitlements
  • Payments

Termination Payments an overview

  • Common payments
    • Redundancy
    • Pay in lieu of notice
    • Garden leave
    • Compromise agreements
    • Restrictive covenants
    • Ex-gratia?
    • Golden handshakes
  • Reporting requirements

Student Loan Deductions

  • Instructions to commence deductions
  • Instructions to stop deductions
  • Deduction procedures
  • What to do if court orders are in place

Court Orders

  • Different types of court orders
  • How deductions are made
  • Priorities if more than one order held

Deductions from Pay

  • Lawful and unlawful deductions
    • Statutory
    • Contractual
    • Prior written authority
  • Correcting mistakes
  • Complaints to a tribunal

Electronic Filing

  • Mandatory filing
  • Year-end returns
  • In-year forms
  • Changes to form and procedures
  • Penalties

Payroll Procedures Manual

  • Preparation
  • Content and development
  • Presentation and design
  • Template

New Approach to Compliance Checks

  • Key features of new approach
  • Information available to inspectors
  • New powers

Employment Status

  • Employed v self-employed
  • Temporary agency workers
  • Workers rights
  • Cost of getting it wrong

Fraud and Disaster Prevention

  • Auditing procedures
  • Disaster prevention
  • Planning the unexpected
  • Risk assessment

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