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Leadership Skills in Auditing Processes

Leadership Skills in Auditing Processes

Leadership Skills in Auditing Processes



  • Gain greater understanding of audit leader responsibilities.
  • Create and maintain efficient, effective, and motivated teams of auditors.
  • Maximize your audit team performance by understanding human behavior and focusing on the needs of the individual and the team.
  • Improve your ability to communicate with the audit team and your customers.
  • Strengthen your techniques for managing the performance of the audit team.


Team Leader auditors, Senior auditors, Supervisors, and Managers.


  • Identify the ways in which leaders influence others within an organization.
  • Identify the types of leaders and attributes of effective leaders.
  • Assess the effectiveness of auditor leadership skills discussed in this unit.
  • Define motivation as it relates to leadership.
  • Identify the fundamental concepts of motivation.
  • Identify how motivational theories impact leadership styles.
  • Identify motivational techniques for use by auditors.
  • Practice using motivational theories and techniques to motivate auditors.
Styles of Leaders
  • Identify your behavior style using the Self-perception and Versatility Profile.
  • Use the Self-perception Profile to identify behaviors you commonly use when around others.
  • Understand types of behavior and behavioral styles.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the assertiveness scale.
  • Identify assertive and responsive behaviors.
  • Identify versatility characteristics of leaders.
  • Apply leadership styles in real-world situations
Relationship Management
  • Identify styles of conflict management and their applications in the work place
  • Practice the skills required to build productive relationships.
  • Practice the techniques used to influence others that you interact with.
  • Identify the techniques available to manage differences and determine your personal preferences when managing differences.
  • Identify the techniques available to manage conflict in the workplace.
  • Apply conflict management techniques to real-world situations.
Communication Techniques
  • Identify effective learning skills.
  • Identify communication styles that you may not be aware of in your daily interactions as a leader.
  • Identify the skills required to be an effective listener.
  • Identify the skills required to improve your verbal communications skills.
  • Identify barriers to communication.
Decision Making
  • Identify the components of decision making.
  • Identify delegation principles.
  • Identify methods for effective problem-solving approaches to decision making and potential pitfalls.
  • Practice making decisions about typical leadership problems.
Performance Management
  • Identify the components of performance management.
  • Identify interpersonal techniques and situations that will impact performance management.
  • Identify the components of a reprimand or counseling discussion.
  • Practice the skills required to effectively manage performance.
  • Identify the components of a conflict resolution discussion.

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