Strategic Agility and Resilience
Strategic Agility and Resilience
- Examine the practices of the most agile and resilient organizations
- Get your organization in shape to navigate turbulent times and disruptive change
- Develop a capacity for foresight – anticipating change
- Get tools for exploring market opportunities
- Build a plan and practice techniques to gain buy-in for changes
- Lead and motivate others toward agile and resilient mindset and behaviour
- Further develop your personal agility and resilience
- Vice presidents
- Executive directors
- Directors
- Senior managers
- Division managers
- Professionals with strategic leadership roles
- Why agility and resilience are a strategic benefit
- What agile and resilient organizations do that others do not
- Assess your organization to identify where to implement practices for agility
- Use the SEAL model to build agility and resilience
- Scan the macro and market environment for trends and patterns
- Experiment with new approaches
- Adapt processes and structure around new business models
- Leverage a toolkit for leading change
- Practice with an interactive case study
- Adapt your leadership style for greater agility and resilience
- Enhance your personal agility and resilience, including an assessment
- Foster agile and resilient teams
- Develop a personal action plan to build agility and resilience in your organization