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Water Desalination and Purification Technology Training

Water Desalination and Purification Technology Training

Water Desalination and Purification Technology Training



  • Recognize the difference between the chemistry and characteristics of the seawater and fresh water.
  • Understand different thermal technologies such as multistage flash, distillation, and vapor compression.
  • Understand different membrane technologies such as osmosis, reverse-osmosis, electro dialysis, and nano-filtration.
  • Design the desalination process.
  • Anticipate and avoid potential problems can occur during the desalination process, such as corrosion, fouling, etc.
  • Evaluate alternative energy sources such as solar, wind, geothermal, and nuclear in order to make the plants sustainable.
  • Recognize the environmental impacts of desalination.
  • Evaluate the costs and economics of desalination systems.


This course is designed for health and safety directors, field supervisors, engineers, safety professionals, site managers and anyone seeking better knowledge of the rules and regulations that govern workplace safety requirements.



  • Introduction to water supplies
  • Why desalination?
  • Global drinking water shortage
  • What is water salinity?
  • Who are the potential users of the desalinated water?
  • Some examples of the existing desalination processes

Characteristics of seawater and fresh water

  • Salinity concentration
  • Molality and molarity

Fundamental of thermodynamics of desalination

  • Introduction to basic principals of thermodynamics
  • Free energy
  • Chemical potential
  • Principals of phase transfer

Separation Process

  • Fundamentals of separation process
  • Gibbs energy
  • Chemical activity
  • Membranes


  • Ion-exchange
  • Osmosis
  • Reverse-osmosis
  • Nano-filtration
  • Electrodialysis

Desalination Process

  • Thermal desalination
  • Multistage flash
  • Multiple effect
  • Distillation
  • Vapor compression

Introduction to thermal desalination

  • What is GOR?
  • Basics of heat transfer
  • Enthalpy diagrams
  • Thermal process equations of MSF, MED, and VC

Electrodialysis: Concept, Designs, and Economics

  • Fundamentals of electrodialysis
  • Water-salts mass transfer equations
  • Transfer mechanism and kinetics
  • Design parameters and equations
  • Pre- and post-treatment
  • Potential problems
  • Costs and economics

Sustainability of desalination plants

  • Alternative energy sources: solar, wind, hydro
  • Link to power plants
  • Hybrid plants

Environmental impacts and economics of desalination plants

  • Costs analysis and economics
  • Environmental impacts

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